Literacy Council of Frederick County
To better acquaint our members and the greater community with our grantees, we are highlighting some of the nonprofit organizations that have received WGC grants. This quarter, we reached out to Laurie Fisher, Executive Director at the Literacy Council of Frederick County, MD. Laurie provided us with the following description of a program that is partially funded by a 2019 Giving Circle grant.
Funded, in part, by a new grant from the Women’s Giving Circle, the Literacy Council is reaching women at the workplace by collaborating with employers in the hospitality sector to provide access to on-site classes that will contribute to financial stability and independence by improving English language proficiency and everyday life skills.
The data is clear. Women who improve their literacy and language skills can anticipate higher wages and job advancement. This benefits their families and the community through increased purchasing power, greater productivity for businesses, and higher tax revenues for local governments.
The vision for the program is to be a catalyst for a partnership between the employer (providing paid employee time and hosting the site), the Literacy Council (conducting lessons that meet the needs of the employees/employer), and community funding partners, resulting in a mutual investment initiative that demonstrates the community's commitment to helping women achieve financial stability and a more stable livelihood for themselves and their families.
To learn more, contact Kim Brown, Workplace Program Coordinator, or (301) 600-2066.