2024 Women's Giving Circle Grant Cycle
The 2024 application period for Women’s Giving Circle grants is open from January 25 through February 22. This year we will fund a record $275,000 in grants to organizations that further women's ability to care for themselves and, subsequently their dependents. In particular, priority is given to programs that further workforce/educational opportunity and economic capacity.
Our 2024 Grants Committee is staffed and ready to get started. We are deeply grateful for the commitment of this year's committee members: Peg McGreevey (chair), Paulette Shockey, Katy Warehime, Kristen Rowe, Billie Homberg, Brigitte Farrell, Kim Lenta, Vickie Lee, Jody Rice, Janice Deluliis, Emilie Routzahn, and Mary Bellamy. Our Grants Committee members always find that their experience is both interesting and rewarding, as they strive to be good stewards of the Circle funds donated by our members.
The committee will be trained by the expert staff at the Community Foundation of Frederick County and will begin reviewing grant applications in earnest in March. We believe that cultivating productive relationships with our nonprofit grant recipients is vital, and our grants committee will be making site visits to get a better view of the work and impact of our applicants. In early April, the committee will be faced with the difficult task of allocating funds and will prepare their final list of recommendations. The recommendations will be distributed to the WGC membership for review in late April. . The Annual Grants Award celebration will be held on June 12 this year. This event is always an exciting and happy time for our members and grant recipients.
If you know of Frederick area nonprofit organizations that meet the mission objectives of the Giving Circle, please encourage them to apply!
For more information about the Women's Giving Circle Grants program: see https://frederickwgc.org/grants